Products and Services
- Development Digital Promotion

Application analysis
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
ChangeMiner GTONE Co., Ltd. (Japan) ChangeMiner visualizes existing systems that have become black boxes. As a result, everyone can immediately grasp the current status, eliminating the need for a person in charge of the system. In addition, you can significantly improve system quality by preventing problems caused by omissions in impact analysis during program modification.
Insight SQL Testing Insight Technology, Inc. (Japan) Insight SQL Testing collects SQL running in the current database, executes it in the new environment, and evaluates SQL compatibility. Consequently, you can compare performance and SQL execution results. In addition, it helps to understand the impact of database product changes and version upgrades on applications and the cost of modifications.
Planning / Requirement Definition
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
Information Utilization Scenario Serivce K.K. Ashisuto (Japan) This service supports requirement definition of information system. By visualizing business tasks and user requests as a "scenario" so that anyone can see, this service realize the requirement definition that can convince both the user department and the IT department, and make effective use of the BI tool.
Data Modeling Services K.K. Ashisuto (Japan) Data Modeling Services include data capture and data requirements definition from normalization through physical design based on the customer's situation. Through these services, we support the process of capitalizing data.
Agile Development Startup Solutions K.K. Ashisuto (Japan) For the shift toward Agile Development, we provide a VSM (Value Stream Mapping) workshop, and a set of toolkits that is indispensable for Agile Development.
Low Code / No Code Development
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
WebPerformer Canon IT Solutions Inc. (Japan) WebPerformer is the leading Japanese-made product in the Low-code/No-code development market. By simply defining GUI screens, Java source code can be generated automatically to enable in-house development and to shorten delivery times.
Rule-based AI
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
Progress Corticon Progress Software Corporation (U.S.) Progress Corticon separates business rules from code, promoting system flexibility and development efficiency. When used with low-code development products, systems involving sophisticated and complex decisions can be implemented entirely in no code.
Test Support
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
UFT One Open Text Corporation (Canada) UFT One automates functional/GUI/regression testing of any Web, ERP, or C/S application in a short period, at a low cost, and with high quality. It also meets the requirements for RPA applications, such as automation of daily operations and automatic data registration to ERP.
LoadRunner Professional Open Text Corporation (Canada) LoadRunner Professional is an Integrated load-testing tool for Web, ERP/CRM, and VDI systems. It automatically verifies system reliability and performance by subjecting servers to a load that assumes a production environment with minimal hardware resources.fy and manage system reliability and performance.
Fortify Static Code Analyzer Open Text Corporation (Canada) Fortify Static Code Analyzer is a source code analysis tool to be integrated into the software development life cycle. It detects program defects and vulnerabilities at the coding stage and recommends remedies.
Guidance Platform
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
Techtouch Techtouch Inc. (U.S.) With digital transformation (DX) being promoted and adopted in various web systems, Techtouch provides real-time operation guides that emphasize the user's experience to produce an environment where "everyone can use the system as they wish."
Video Platform
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
Panopto Panopto, Inc. (U.S.) An enterprise video management platform that promotes the use of video in companies. As video usage by all employees becomes established, significant changes in human interactions and communication occur, and business transformation is promoted.
Website Construction
Product/Service Software Manufacturer Product Overview
NOREN Content Server I-On Communications (South Korea) NOREN Content Server is a CMS with a top-class installation track record in Japan. It provides high availability, security, and simple and easy-to-use functions necessary for corporate use, enabling timely information disclosure and control through in-house website management.
NOREN Deploy Server I-On Communications (South Korea) NOREN Deploy Server is a web content file management and distribution tool. Content delivery operations with high operational burdens, such as file synchronization and generation management for multiple Web servers, can be performed safely and accurately, with no modification of existing sites.
